Cave has been branching out from shmups with games like Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine and now Ohimesama Debut (Princess Debut). Their ballroom dancing / princess adventure game is a distant cousin from their usual bullet hell shooters, but the gameplay should be familiar to Nintendo DS owners. Underneath the pretty pink dresses, is a touch of Ouendan. Players drag the stylus on paths to make the princess waltz. After the motions are completed you get to watch the dance.
While the setting may be unappetizing to the Ibara crowd Ohimesama Debut could actually get localized. Cave in North America? It could happen again with Ohimesama Debut and (hopefully) a break dancing equivalent for guys. If Ohimesama Debut happens to strike your fancy take note it's coming out on May 29 in Japan.
Published: Feb 27, 2008 06:45 pm