Steam are holding their yearly Black Friday sale once more, with different items going on sale each week. Today’s deal highlight? The Deus Ex Collection, for $4.99.
You can also grab Borderlands for $9.99 and Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse for $10.50. You can find them on the Steam front page.
There’s more to it, though. You can also buy Steam Gift Packs, which include multiple copies of games to share with friends. For example, eight copies of the original Deux Ex cost $11.99. Similarly, six copies of Borderlands cost $39.99, and ten copies of Half Life 2 cost $19.99. Maybe some of our readers can pool in and buy games together?
And finally, Steam is also giving free games away to 30 random people everyday. What you’ll need to do is make a Steam wishlist. Everyday, 30 winners will be chosen at random and will receive the top 5 games on their wishlist for free.
Published: Nov 24, 2010 05:03 pm