The 25th Ward: The Silver Case, the sequel to Grasshopper Manufacture’s The Silver Case, has received an enlightening new trailer. In this follow-up, players go through ”Correctness,” “Matchmaker” and “Placebo” scenarios to investigate a string of new murders apparently committed by The Silver Case’s Kamui Uehara and learn more about the new 25th Ward district.
The video offers glimpses of a number of important characters in various cases. In “Correctness,” we follow the 25th Ward Heinous Crimes Unit’s Mokutaro Shiroyabu and Shinko Kuroyanagi. In “Matchmaker,” the focus is on Regional Adjustment Bureau members Shinkai Tsuki and Yotaro Osato. In “Placebo,” people follow an amnesiac journalist named Tokio Morishima.
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case will come to the PlayStation 4 and PC in 2018.
Published: Jan 17, 2018 4:00 PM UTC