PlayStation 4

Square Enix Appears To Have Disabled Streaming For Left Alive Amidst A Rough Debut In Japan


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Left Alive, the survival action shooter that is known as the spiritual successor of the Front Mission series, released a couple days ago in Japan and things aren’t looking too great for its debut. [Thanks, Hachima.]


When Left Alive released in Japan on February 28, players were able to stream the game with no issues, with the only exception being all event scenes were blocked and disallowed to stream.



However, as of yesterday it appears that players can no longer broadcast Left Alive. In the above notice that was shared by a streamer named fei, it states that the application is not authorized when trying to stream the game through YouTube.



Over at Amazon Japan the game is currently sitting at a staggering low rating of 1.8 out of 5 stars, and these were mostly made prior to the game’s streaming getting blocked. Most of the negative feedback ranges from difficulty to poor design, issues with controls, character motions, and graphics.


It’s also worth noting that the game has been selling for 44% off on Amazon Japan with prices down to 5,050 yen from its standard 8,964 yen price, which is pretty surprising given that it’s hasn’t even been out for three days. The last time we saw a big drop like that was New Gundam Breaker which dropped to 56% off in less than week after its launch last June. 


Left Alive is available in Japan for PlayStation 4. The game releases in North America and Europe on March 5, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and PC. Check our previous report for a trailer and some of the earlier impressions of the game.

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Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.

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