Following the reveal of Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker’s Japanese release of August 30 the other day, Bandai Namco shared a look at costumes you get as first-print and pre-order bonuses.
This is the “Seventh Hokage Costume (Full Body): Naruto Style 2nd” for male and female avatars based on the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. This will be available for first-print bonuses for both retail and digital versions.
The next bonus is the “Costume (Full Body): Shinobi Striker Coat White” for male and female avatars. This will be available for digital pre-orders.
Pre-orders for the digital Deluxe Edition version will get you early-access for Pain as a master character.
The digital Deluxe Edition pre-orders also comes with a “Costume (Full Body): Shinobi Striker Coat Black.” The other bonuses will also be available when pre-ordering the digital Deluxe Edition.
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker releases in Japan on August 30, 2018 for PlayStation 4. The game will release in the west on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Published: May 21, 2018 01:00 am