Marvelous revealed three new characters that will join the shinobi girls in Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash with Souji, Yuyaki, and Leo from Senran Kagura: New Wave G Burst.
Souji (CV: Marina Inoue)
Birthday: April 19
Age: 16
Blood Type: A
Height: 167cm (5’6”)
Three-Sizes: B90 W57 H85
Interest: Self-improvement
Favorite Food: Hot dogs without mustard
Souji comes from a distinguished evil ninja family, and is a first-year student at Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy. Ever since a young age, she was taught that power is righteousness. She’s clearly a narcissist, and while she might get a bit too cocky when it comes to her own skills, it comes from her confidence in the effort she put into not being defeated. She sees Homura as a hostile enemy, but not much as come from it so far.
Yuyaki (CV: Rika Tachibana)
Birthday: September 29
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Height: 164cm (5’5”)
Three-Sizes: B90 W57 H90
Interest: Collecting shiny things
Favorite Food: Fermented food
Leader of the Tono Tengu Squad and a second-year student. Yuyaki is proud to be a leader and has a strong sense of responsibility to go with it. Her personality completely changes into a brutal one when she unsheathes her weapon, which can get her into trouble at times. Other than that, she’s most calm with a soft demeanor, and can often be seen with her crow friend.
Leo (CV: Mitsuki Saiga)
Birthday: July 23
Age: 17
Blood Type: AB
Height: 169cm (5’7”)
Three-Sizes: B89 W58 H89
Interest: Afternoon tea
Favorite food: Mangosteen
She’s a second-year student and leader of the Zodiac Guiding Star Association. She’s considered the wealthiest of all shinobi, and is a super celebrity princess who values elegance and decorum. Using her strong leadership skills, she’s able to hold a team together, and while she’s calm and composed for the most part, she occasionally slips every now and then. She loves taking naps and even looks elegant and divine while doing so.
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash releases in Japan on March 16, 2017 for PlayStation 4. The game will also release in Asia and the West.
Published: Nov 9, 2016 04:30 am