Digimon World: Next Order was recently announced as the latest in Bandai Namco’s Digimon series, where you’ll take on the role of the protagonist Takuto and his Digimon to explore its vast lands on PlayStation Vita. Famitsu shares the latest screenshots for the game.
The protagonist of the game, Takuto, is a young man who spends his days studying for exams. He’s a third-year high school student that has previously experienced placing runner-up in a major national Digimon tournament. Him and the other characters are designed by Taiki.
As you can see in the above screenshots, Digimon World: Next Order’s fields look pretty different during the day and night.
Digimon World: Next Order will release in Japan in 2016 for PlayStation Vita.
Published: Aug 5, 2015 09:51 pm