The cost of all the downloadable songs in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is more than the Nintendo 3DS game, so it comes as no surprise that Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call has downloadable content too. The game, which just came out in Japan, has a eight downloadable tunes:
Final Fantasy V – Library of the Ancients (FMS)
Final Fantasy VIII – Shuffle or Boogie (BMS)
Final Fantasy X: Blitz Off (BMS)
Final Fantasy X-2: Eternity: Memories of Waves and Light (FMS)
Final Fantasy XI: Tough Battle #2 (BMS)
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Crazy Chocobo (FMS)
Between April2 4 and May 8, Battle 2 from Final Fantasy V (BMS) and Roses of May from Final Fantasy XI (BMS) are freebies. Each song costs 150 yen. Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII is also available as a downloadable character for 150 yen.
Published: Apr 24, 2014 7:48 AM UTC