Muramasa Rebirth will get four extra storylines with brand new bosses, enemies, and playable characters. The first episode is a revenge story with a bakeneko (a cat youkai) named Okoi as a playable character. Instead of using blades, Okoi uses her claws. Players have three attack styles and one of them puts you in control of a tortoiseshell cat. If playing Muramasa Rebirth as a cat wasn’t awesome enough – one of the cat’s special moves is making it rain cats.
Okoi & Mike
Otoroshi, an eerie youkai that sits on top of temples looking for people with evil intentions to drop on, is one of the new enemies.
Mitsumenyudo is a monk with three eyes and a long stretchy neck.
Tsukamioni is a gigantic oni that’s so big you can’t see its whole body. A hand extends from dark black clouds and catches characters.
The first Muramasa Rebirth episode comes out on November 7. Aksys said they would release the DLC episodes in the West, but have not announced a release date for the extra content.
Published: Oct 31, 2013 12:58 am