Koihime, a popular Japanese franchise based off of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story, has been spun off into different kinds of media, including the original eroge, a manga, and an anime. Now, it’s getting a strategy game you can play in your browser.
Gamania Digital Entertainment, a company based out of California, will be bringing Web Koihime Musou to the U.S. The English version of the game is planned for launch in summer, and you can sign up for the game here.
In Web Koihime Musou, your job is to unify the Three Kingdoms, and you can do this either via conquering all of the Kingdom Castles or via Imperial Castle Raids, which take place during specific periods. While Web Koihime Musou isn’t an eroge, Gamania still flaunt the numerous (over 100, apparently) female warlords.
Published: Mar 11, 2012 12:30 pm