Street Fighter IV producer, Yoshinori Ono, and Tekken series producer, Katsuhiro Harada, revived an old rivalry (again) this past week. In Harada’s defense, though, Ono totally started it when he recently visited Namco Bandai’s U.S. office.
Harada, who works in Japan, was naturally, absent upon Ono’s arrival. The Street Fighter IV producer decided to make use of the opportunity to get the upper hand in their ongoing battle of humiliation.
Note the immense delight as the hunter finds what he’s looking for.
The attack on Namco headquarters was then followed up by a message, sent directly to Harada via post in Japan. Unwilling to be mocked any further, Harada prepared for retaliation.
…unfortunately, he found himself being given the boot by Capcom security.
Published: Feb 6, 2011 03:01 pm