Drill Sergeant Mindstrong is not a localized version of Marvelous’ Discipline. It’s an entirely different WiiWare game where players enroll in a brain training boot camp party.
You start the game as a lowly private moving up ranks by completing brain training mini-games. Spend too much time one task or make a mistake the drill sergeant’s anger level increases. When he’s enraged punishments are issued and Xseed notes the drill sergeant isn’t afraid to embarrass players.
A humiliating brain training game? How did this stay under our radar for so long? Ah! It’s not related to Marvelous or any companies Xseed worked with in the past. A mysterious entity known as Hi Corporation (the Japan based middlewear one?) is the developer. Since Drill Sergeant Mindstrong has not been announced anywhere else we’ll have to wait until it comes out on WiiWare later this April to find out how cruel Xseed’s punishments are.
Published: Mar 30, 2009 01:23 pm