The World Revolves Around Me is coming to North America under the name of My World, My Way on February 3rd. Atlus officially announced they picked it up from Global A, confirming what we discovered this last week. Princess Elise is the star of the My World, My Way and after an adventurer rejects her love she sets out to become one. Elise’s special ability is different from cliche RPG heroes, she pouts. Collecting and managing pout points is the key to manipulating the world by adding monsters, taking the first turn in battle, and even forcing the game to finish your quests.
Here’s the US trailer with a glimpse of the localization.
With the release of Master of the Monster Lair and My World, My Way it seems like Atlus is keen on Global A’s RPG / god game hybrids. They passed on Dungeon Maker 2, but I wonder if Atlus has their eyes on Chuumon Shiyouze! Oretachi no Sekai which could be called something like Our World, Our Order if it gets released in North America.
Images courtesy of Atlus.
Published: Nov 13, 2008 07:23 pm