We don’t have Disgaea 3 yet, but somewhere in the world (mostly Japan) people completed the game and saw the ending. Nippon Ichi has a post game challenge for them, adding the ten gentlemen to your party.
On April 25, Disgaea 3 will get an update with ten playable super powerful characters, nine are pictured. If you clear the game and Mao’s level is higher than one of the additional characters he/she will join your party. One character joins at a time and Nippon Ichi has not announced what level Mao needs to be to recruit any of them.
The best part is the update is free. Nippon Ichi isn’t trying to squeeze PlayStation Store credit out of people who picked up Disgaea 3 with this update. Since Disgaea 3 is not out in North America it is unknown if NIS America will have a similar promotion. Let’s hope they do.
Images courtesy of Nippon Ichi.
Published: Apr 24, 2008 3:50 PM UTC