At E3 ’06 there were quick glimpses of Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami spliced into the Nintendo Wii video montage. Back in February the final game came out in Japan and we covered it. Shortly after the Japanese release Nintendo Power claimed that “Goddess of Dawn” (translation of Akatsuki no Megami) was not the final US name for the first Fire Emblem game on the Wii. Since then Nintendo has not mentioned anything about Fire Emblem Wii.
Nintendo has been unusually quick with localization for the other Fire Emblem games, with only a seven month gap between the US and Japanese releases. We’re about to reach the end of that timeline and there are no signs of a localized version of Fire Emblem in sight. I hope Nintendo isn’t going to skip over Fire Emblem because it’s “traditional”. The Wii is seriously lacking in the RPG department at the moment and Fire Emblem has the potential to get RPGs fans not sold on motion controlled bowling to consider a Wii.
Published: Jul 3, 2007 11:05 am