Arc System Works is fashionably late to the Wii fishing craze party. Hudson already released Mezase!! Tsuri Master and Activision pushed Rapala Tournament Fishing out as a North American launch title. However, they’ve got something else that differentiates their fishing game from the masses their ad campaign. The main site for Bass Fishing Wii: Rokumaru Densetsu opens later this week and hopefully it will follow in the steps of Sega’s Bass Fishing series. Having a model demo the game will probably sell more copies to the stereotypical lonely gamer, but maybe Arc System Works would have better luck if they made Guilty Gear: XFishingX starring Sol Badguy.
Aksys seems to have a pretty tight relationship with Arc System Works and Bass Fishing: Rokumaru Densetsu might be the rumored Hooked fishing game with a Wii controller.
Published: Jun 11, 2007 05:03 am