The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is the first game in a trilogy Falcom already released in Japan. Siliconera understands fans have waiting for news about the sequel, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter so we asked Xseed and Falcom how the game’s localization is progressing.
"All I can really do is assure you guys that progress is… slow, but existent. There’s still a mountain of work left to do, though, and we’re still on pretty shaky ground with this title," Tom Lipschultz, Localization Specialist, explained. "The first game hasn’t exactly turned out to be a top-seller for us so far (despite overwhelmingly positive feedback from fans), which means we really can’t justify prioritizing the second (especially given its insane length). But we’re not giving up! We still plan to move forward, slowly but surely, until the project either gets done or becomes completely and totally unfeasible – whichever comes first. If series fans want to hurry us along, they’ll need to convince more people to buy the first game so we can have more funding to hire more people to work on the second, and have bigger numbers to convince our investors that Trails 2 is worthy of being prioritized."
Xseed released four Falcom games in North America starting with Ys Seven. The Legend of the Heroes: Trails in the Sky came out in March. The publisher’s current slate of games include Fishing Resort from Yuji Naka’s studio Prope, the PSP horror game Corpse Party, and Vanillaware’s Grand Knights History.
"As it stands, it’s still too early to give anything even remotely resembling a viable release date – and we certainly can’t just focus all our attention on it until it’s done (as so many fans keep suggesting!) or we’d end up going out of business long before anything came of it. We need all these other releases of ours to survive, ‘cause it’s a jungle out there (disorder and confusion everywhere!)."
In an earlier interview with Siliconera, Ken Berry, Director of Publishing, explained Xseed could release between six to eight decent size games a year. The sheer amount of text in Trails in the Sky cuts their release schedule to about half of that.
"Just remember, we’re small. Really, really small. And Trails 2 is big. Really, really big. But we are chipping away at it, and hopefully the status quo can be maintained and give us clear sailing through to its completion – even if that ends up taking a long, long time yet. We don’t want to disappoint our loyal fans, after all, nor deprive the western world of such a fantastically epic game. So… we’ll just keep at it. And try not to lose heart along the way," said Lipschultz.
Published: Oct 14, 2011 10:05 PM UTC