Namco Bandai bumped Game Center CX: Arnio in District 3 back from January 23, 2014 to March 20, 2014. The Nintendo 3DS game has its roots in the TV series where Arnio plays NES games, but has brand new retro games in it.
And I mean that literally. Game Center CX: Arino in District 3 has players helping Arino out as he clears up his memory by completing gaming challenges.
A top-down, scrolling fighter game, Zoliates is a hat-tip to originals such as now-defunct developer Hudson’s Star Soldier back when gaming was in its infancy.
In the latest update on Game Center CX: Arino In Disctrict 3, we get a look at a game that appears to be inspired by SNK’s Crystalis, and a couple of Game & Watch-type titles.
The new Game Center CX's nostalgia-filled main story mode takes place in the 1980s, where you’ll be spending your time clearing events together with a young Arino.
G.rev known for Under Defeat HD and Senko no Ronde is developing a new game in the Retro Game Challenge series for Nintendo 3DS called Game Center CX: Arino in District 3.
"Yes, the current shooting market in Japan is at a very difficult crossroads. I am certain that the genre will not fade away at the dojin level, but in terms of an incorporated studio, to put it bluntly – you are not able to make a living on just making shooters."