Following a look at how to acquire eggs and more on battle system basics, Capcom has released the third video for Monster Hunter Stories’ “Lilia Explains” series with a look at Otomon abilities.
While Otomon have the ability to use skills in battle, they’ll also come in handy with their “Ride Action” abilities that can be used in the field. They range from finding honey in the field to decreasing the chances of getting caught by monsters. They can also help you reach areas you wouldn’t be able to on your own by breaking down walls or providing you the ability to fly.
In battle, they have active skills with various abilities. They can attack with fire or ice attacks, support with buffs, or even recover health for the party. The Otomon make their own action choices, but you’ll get to switch out Otomon once per turn to fight enemies using the right set of skills.
By consuming your “Bond Gauge,” you’ll be get to give orders to your Otomon partners, allowing for powerful Double Action attacks that further increase the gauge. Once a Bond Gauge maxes up, you can mount on the monster for even more moves, including the “Bond Attack.” These are the most powerful attacks that consume the entire gauge, and each monster has their own unique attacks for the feature.
Monster Hunter Stories releases in Japan on October 8, 2016 for Nintendo 3DS.
Published: Oct 6, 2016 6:30 AM UTC