Nippon Ichi and Hitmaker are teaming up again to make Dragoneer’s Aria, another action RPG for the PSP. This time they have a little extra help with the character design from Juno, one of the artists from Lineage. The character art looks fantastic, but the descriptions for the heroes seem a little hollow. A knight who protects dragons who travels with his best friend, where have I heard that before? To be fair Dragoneer’s Aria is still in development and there might be more behind the main cast that NIS America isn’t sharing yet.
A member of an elite knight corps, which protects the endangered dragons around the world, Valen subsequently becomes the possessor of the Fire Orb. As a child, Valen attended dragoon school where he became good friends with Langley. Now with the dark dragon threatening the world, Valen must stand strong and defend humanity from the ultimate evil.
Euphe is tough, yet kind hearted and her impulsive nature drags her into the war between good and evil. Upon the dark dragon’s attack on Granatis, Euphe was injured and rescued by Valen. Her encounter with Valen was love at first sight as she follows Valen throughout the story.
She is the young captain of the infamous pirate ship Mary (named after her). Her ship sunk in heavy tides, so she is now seeking the legendary dragons in hopes that they could lift her ship back up. Sadly, the first dragon she meets gets killed by the dark dragon and she vows to get revenge.
A guardian of the earth dragon who joins Valen’s team to protect the holy spirits and Mother Nature from the dark dragon’s destructive fury. Ruslon is extremely proud of his elf heritage and initially looks down on humans and dragoon. However, his encounter with Valen and the rest slowly changes his spiteful personality.
An accomplished knight that is part of an elite dragoon corps. Langley is a powerful warrior who is also remarkably cunning. As a child Langley attended the same dragoon school as Valen and became very good friends. Langley’s will and power as a dragoon are tested through his encounters with the legendary dragons.
Published: May 3, 2007 2:13 PM UTC