Bandai Namco shared the latest on Dragon Ball FighterZ in V-Jump with a release date for Japan, the reveal of two new characters in Nappa and Captain Ginyu, and info on the game’s story mode. [Thanks, Ryokutya2089.]
An incident occurs in Story Mode where all the Z Fighters fall one by one. When Son Goku awakens, he is then spiritually linked to you, the player. Players will link with various characters in a similar fashion. So for example, in the Androids Volume you’ll link with Android 18, and the Enemy Warriors Volume you’ll link up with Frieza, and so on.
It’ll be possible to deepen your bond with each character. By increasing the bond enough you’ll get to check out private conversations like Yamcha saying “I want to get married!” or Vegeta saying “Bulma’s personality is rough on the edges…”
In Story Mode you’ll progress by fighting to advance through the map. You’ll be given the choice to go for experience, save allies, learn skills, and more.
As for the new characters, V-Jump reveals Nappa who can summon Saibamen and his Meteor special attack is “Kapa!” (pictured above).
The other new character is Captain Ginyu, who comes with the ability to call out all the members of The Ginyu Force. His Meteor special attack is none other than “Body Change” that allows him to swap characters and health with the opponent.
Dragon Ball FighterZ releases in Japan on February 1, 2018 in Japan for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game is expected to release in early 2018 in North America and Europe.
Published: Oct 18, 2017 7:00 AM UTC