Kisou Louga II, a Japan-only title originally released on PC Engine, is now available for sale through emulation. It costs 500 yen and has been released as part of Project EGG (which stands for Engrossing Game Gallery).
Kisou Louga II is a tactical RPG that plays similarly to Fire Emblem, with permadeath and Weight Count as present features. The gameplay takes place on a grid-based map, with specific objectives, but unlike Fire Emblem features a grid-based battle system as well.
Below is a released video that showcases the gameplay.
The story is set four years after the first game, where a new country wielding magitech, Grosvale, has once again plunged the world into chaos. The protagonist, Weiss, is called upon once again to save the world by defeating Grosvale.
Project EGG, owned by D4 Enterprise, is an emulation service that takes games from legacy consoles such as MSX, X68000 and PC Engine, and releases them at a cheap price. It has been ongoing since 2001.
Kisou Louga II is currently available for PC.
Published: Oct 17, 2017 11:00 am