Intelligent Systems and Nintendo’s Pushmo series, known in some regions as Pullblox or Hikuosu, has given us four opportunities to push and pull blocks as we attempt to help Mallo the sumo wrestler save trapped children and birds. However, Liam Robertson, known for his work with Unseen64, has discovered there was apparently almost a fifth game. Intelligent Systems was once working on Crashmo World for the Nintendo Wii U.
Crashmo World would have been a sequel to Pushmo World. In June 2014, three years after Pushmo and two years after Crashmo, Intelligent Systems put together an HD Pushmo game for the Nintendo Wii U. Crashmo World would have been a sequel to that and a small team began developing it in 2015. However, Intelligent Systems’ focus turned to the Nintendo Switch after Paper Mario: Color Splash, resulting in Crashmo World’s cancellation. It will not be brought to the Nintendo Switch.
Stretchmo, the most recent installment in the Pushmo series, is available for the Nintendo 3DS.
Published: Dec 28, 2016 2:00 PM UTC