The Pokémon Company has shared a new video along with details on Pokémon Sun & Moon’s version-exclusive Pokémon, details on new Z-moves, updated Pokémon Bank, Alola Fashion, and more.
The above trailer recaps all the new features.
Here’s a look at the profiles of some of the new Pokémon:
Lycanroc (Midday Form)
Wolf Pokémon
55.1 lbs.
Keen Eye / Sand Rush
When Rockruff is bathed in profuse amounts of solar energy, it evolves into its Midday Form. In the world of Pokémon Sun, Solgaleo’s influence causes Rockruff to evolve into this form.
Lycanroc lives solo in mountains and deserts, not creating a pack. Each has its own territory, and they live without interfering with one another, which helps to avoid unnecessary fights.
Lycanroc obeys its Trainer’s orders dutifully. In particular, if a Trainer accepted it during its more rebellious pre-Evolution period, Lycanroc will never ever betray that Trainer and will be the most loyal of partners.
The Midday Form Lycanroc is known for speedy movements that leave its opponents bewildered. It dodges opponents’ strikes while attacking with the sharp rocks of its mane as it slips right past them.
Accelerock is a move that only Midday Form Lycanroc can learn. It slams into an opponent with quick moves. This move is guaranteed to strike first!
Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Wolf Pokémon
55.1 lbs.
Keen Eye / Vital Spirit
When Rockruff is bathed in an abundance of lunar energy, it evolves into its Midnight Form. In the world of Pokémon Moon, Lunala’s influence causes Rockruff to evolve into this form.
Midnight Form Lycanroc provokes its opponents by pressing in hard and inviting their attack. When an opponent falls for this tactic and attacks, Lycanroc counters with its forte: a single devastating blow that finishes off its foe! The stronger its opponent is, the more excited for battle Lycanroc becomes. It doesn’t mind getting hurt if it means victory in battle. Battles thrill it so much that its eyes glow.
Contempt rises in this Pokémon for Trainers who give orders it doesn’t agree with or who try to force it to battle. On the other hand, it will feel a deep trust in a Trainer who can truly draw forth its power in battle.
Counter is a move that Rockruff can learn when it evolves into Midnight Form Lycanroc. When Lycanroc takes physical damage from an opponent, it deals double that damage back to the same opponent.
Sage Pokémon
167.6 lbs.
Inner Focus / Telepathy
Oranguru is a Pokémon that appears only in Pokémon Moon. If you’re playing Pokémon Sun, you can obtain it by trading with someone playing Pokémon Moon.
Oranguru live solitary lives deep in the forests and do not usually take much action. Instead, they position themselves high up in the trees to meditate. Long ago, people thought that Oranguru were humans who dwelled in the forest depths, so they called them “the people of the forests.” Oranguru is kind to the other Pokémon living in the forest, providing medicine for injured Pokémon and food for the hungry.
Oranguru sometimes act on their own initiative and will use items that only humans normally use. From a Trainer’s perspective, they can be hard Pokémon to handle at times. Allegedly, there have been sightings of Oranguru using Poké Balls!
The fan-like objects held by Oranguru are handmade by the Oranguru themselves. These fans appear to be made of layers of leaves bound together with Oranguru’s own fur.Instruct is a move that only Oranguru can learn. It can make the selected target use its most recent move again immediately.
Teamwork Pokémon
182.5 lbs.
Passimian is a Pokémon that only appears in Pokémon Sun. If you’re playing Pokémon Moon, you can obtain it by trading with someone playing Pokémon Sun.
Passimian live in troops of 20 to 30 individuals, all following a leader. This leader will take 10 of the individuals in the best condition to search for food. The troop’s teamwork is strong, and the boss of each troop decides what mark members will wear on their arms to distinguish the troops.
The boss puts the troop members through training to improve their coordination with one another and their skill in handling Berries. Apparently this training is so hard that some Passimian end up running away.
Lobbing Berries at foes is how Passimian attack. They sometimes work in coordination with others, passing Berries back and forth to bewilder their opponents. Passimian don’t just pitch hard Berries at opponents, either—they also have a technique that uses soft Berries to obscure their opponent’s ability to see.
Passimian wants its Trainer to have the qualities of a leader as well. It watches a Trainer’s form closely when he or she throws Poké Balls, and will not listen to the orders of a Trainer with poor form.
Passimian has a new Ability, Receiver, which no other Pokémon has previously had. With the Receiver Ability, this Pokémon can inherit the Ability of an ally who faints in battle.
Bring in Pokémon from Past Adventures
In January 2017, the Nintendo 3DS downloadable software Pokémon Bank is expected to receive an update for compatibility with Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Pokémon Bank is an application that enables you to put Pokémon you’ve collected in your games into Internet-based storage boxes. Until now this service has been available for Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y. Starting in early 2017, it will support Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon as well.
With this update, the Pokémon that adventured with you in Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y will be able to join you in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
Pokémon Bank Notes
If you transfer a Pokémon to Pokémon Bank and then on to Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon from Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, or Pokémon Y, you’ll be unable to transfer it back to Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, or Pokémon Y.
You can’t deposit Pokémon holding items into Pokémon Bank. If you try to deposit a Pokémon with a held item, that item will be sent back to the original game.
Poké Transporter Also Updated
Poké Transporter is also being updated for compatibility with the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, and Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition. Deposit the Pokémon you’ve collected into Pokémon Bank, and you can send them to Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon as well.
Pokémon-Exclusive Z-Moves Revealed
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Z-Moves make their debut. Each Trainer can use just one of these powered-up Z-Moves per battle. Z-Moves exist for moves of every different type. But some Z-Moves are exclusive and can be used only by certain Pokémon, such as Snorlax and Alolan Raichu. Now, Pikachu and Eevee join the list of Pokémon able to use exclusive Z-Moves. Both of their Z-Moves are extremely powerful. Bring Pikachu and Eevee to your battles and see what these high-powered Pokémon can do!
- Catastropika
Pikachu’s exclusive Z-Move, Catastropika, is a superpowered attack move where Pikachu borrows its Trainer’s strength, wrapping itself in extra-high-voltage electric power, and charging into its opponent. This will become Pikachu’s most powerful attack!
- Extreme Evoboost
Eevee’s exclusive Z-Move, Extreme Evoboost, gathers together Sylveon, Jolteon, and more—all of the eight Pokémon that Eevee can evolve into—and grants their power to Eevee. This powerful move raises Eevee’s Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by 2
- Snorlax’s Exclusive Z-Move: Pulverizing Pancake!
- Alola Raichu’s Exclusive Z-Move: Stoked Sparks
Pokémon Refresh
Use the Pokémon Refresh feature to care for your Pokémon. After a battle, Pokémon sometimes end up all dirty. When that happens, you can take care of them and get them all cleaned up. By caring for your Pokémon, you can also cure status conditions like poisoning and paralysis that were inflicted on your Pokémon in battle.
Pokémon that have grown very affectionate, thanks to petting them a lot and feeding them their beloved Poké Beans, will battle to the utmost for you. Sometimes they’ll avoid attacks from opposing Pokémon—and even hold out when they’re on the verge of fainting. Take good care of your Pokémon with Pokémon Refresh, and they’ll be great allies on your adventure!
- Brush the Dirt from Alolan Vulpix
Cure Spearow’s Poisoning!
- Pokémon Love Poké Beans!
- Pikachu is Delighted to be Petted
Dress for Success With Alola Fashions
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, you can change things like your character’s clothing, hairstyle, and even eye color (thanks to colored contact lenses). Adventure through Alola while showing your own flair for fashion!
Colorful Clothing
You can change the look of your clothing with colorful dyes! Perhaps there’s a design you like, but you’d prefer it in a different color. Now that wish can come true!
Pokémon Sun & Moon will release for Nintendo 3DS in Japan and North America on November 18, and in Europe on November 23, 2016.
Published: Sep 20, 2016 12:30 PM UTC