Popular smartphone game Monster Strike is getting a 3DS title in Japan, and it’ll add an original RPG story and characters. 4Gamer shares a look at the latest for the game and its cast.
The above is a look at Monster Strike’s original 3DS monster named Olive. She has the appearance of a magical girl, and you can see her original form to the left and evolved form on the right.
She also has a special symbol when she shows up with an enemy, and the original “Energy Heart” friendship combo that is only available on the 3DS version of the game.
The story starts out with the protagonist Ren Homura moving to a new town and transfers to his new middle school. Due to an incident that happened in the past, he has lost parts of his memories, but he doesn’t realize it yet.
As you advance through the game, you’ll eventually find out why he lost his memory and the reason he doesn’t seem to realize that he can’t remember certain parts of his past.
There are various portals found throughout town called the “Monster Gate.” These are what will start your battles in Monster Strike 3DS. There are also some humans that get brainwashed by monsters, and you’ll need to battle them as well. The Monster Gates and brainwashed people will all play a role in the story.
The above is a look at Ren’s mother Mitsuki and his sister Karin. They’re characterized by their similar hairstyle, and will also be there for Ren in the story.
Monster Strike 3DS will also feature guest characters, such as popular YouTuber Max Murai, who also happens to be the CEO of iPhone news and review site Appbank, and also known for appearing on various live streams, appearances on NicoNico and GungHo events. He’ll play an important role in the story.
Famous Japanese YouTube celebrity and Beatboxer Hikakin will also make an appearance in the game.
Monster Strike will release in Japan on December 17, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.
Published: Oct 14, 2015 9:00 AM UTC