The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki) and its sequel have already released in Japan, but Falcom president and CEO Toshihiro Kondo recently spoke with Dengeki PlayStation, and said that a new game is in the works for the series. [Thanks, Hachima.]
While talking about the future of the Evolution series, Kondo said that he thinks it would be interesting if they could make The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch using today’s technology.
The next question, Dengeki asked about the future of the Trails of Cold Steel series.
“Although the release will be a little further out, we’re currently working on a sequel to Trails of Cold Steel, where the stage is set in the Erebonian Empire,” said Kondo. “However, the story is much more expansive than we imagined, and we’re currently thinking about what to do with its volume.”
“For the time being, please enjoy Trails in the Sky FC and Tokyo Xanadu while waiting.”
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel isn’t available in the West yet, but Xseed registered a domain for the title earlier in the year, which indicates they’re working on bringing it over.
Published: May 26, 2015 1:29 PM UTC