Kaga Shouzo is considered the father of the Fire Emblem series, as he was involved in the development of various titles in the series prior to leaving Intelligent Systems in 1999. He revealed on his official blog that he has started a new strategy RPG project.
On his blog, Shouzo says that he and a group of acquaintances have begun a new private project using a recently released doujin software called SRPG Studio, and once it’s complete, they will distribute it free of charge.
Currently, the team working on the private project consists of 10 members, ranging from acquaintances to professional developers, and he mentions that they might be able to get a certain “wonderful artist” to be in charge of the character designs. As far as music goes, he says that he has some ideas on this front, and isn’t worried about it.
In addition to using SRPG Studio software, Shouzo and his group are currently looking for assets to use with the engine, including the following: “Unit Chips,” “Battle Animation Material,” “Effect Material,” “Map Chips,” “Parts Chips,” “BGM, Sound Effects,” and “Background CG”.
He also makes note on his blog post that if anyone has any of the above materials that they’ve made, or have received permission from producers, that he’d gladly work with them.
At the moment, Shouzo and his team are short on Unit Chips and Battle Animation Material, so until they get their hands on some of those assets, he says that it looks like it’ll be a little while until they’re able to release the game.
After leaving Intelligent Systems, Shouzo went on to create a game called Tear Ring Saga; however, he faced pressure from Nintendo, who felt it was too similar to the Fire Emblem series. Ultimately, however, the game was released in Japan.
More details on Shouzo’s new project will be revealed as they advance through the development.
Published: May 8, 2015 12:33 pm