Last week, FuRyu released a new game, titled The Legend of Legacy, in Japan. Developed by a team of former Square Enix staff, the Nintendo 3DS RPG is an homage to Square’s SaGa franchise, and sold 53,974 copies at retail in its first week.
Now, that doesn’t sound like a lot, but The Legend of Legacy is FuRyu’s best-selling game at launch at by far. Here’s a look at how some of the previous games they’ve published in recent years have sold in their first week:
- (2011) Unchained Blades [PSP] – 18,256
- (2011) Unchained Blades [3DS] – 5,592
- (2011) Tsuku Monogatari [PSP] – 13,329
- (2012) Unchained Blades Exxiv [PSP] – 6,793
- (2012) Unchained Blades Exxiv [3DS] – 6,645
- (2014) Lost Dimension [PSV] – 3,868
Another interesting little tidbit of info to put things in perspective—The Legend of Legacy’s first-week sales are in the same range as most recent Atelier titles from Gust. (It has outsold Atelier Rorona and Atelier Shallie‘s launch numbers, and has also slightly outsold Atelier Totori.) Given that this is a new I.P. from a relatively smaller publisher and not part of a larger brand with anime and merchandise backing it, that has to be encouraging for FuRyu.
Prior to its release, Japanese retail chain Tsutaya reported high pre-orders for The Legend of Legacy, and the game is currently sold out at some of their stores. Other stores such as Games Maya have reported that it sold well at launch as well, and caught the attention of older gamers. FuRyu clearly didn’t ship a whole lot of copies to retailers, but the game is undoubtedly doing well for them.
Director Masataka Matsuura recently talked about how FuRyu wanted him to develop a flagship title for the company with The Legend of Legacy, and judging by the game’s opening sales, they may just get their wish. It should be interesting to see where sales of the game are at a year from now.
Sales data provided by Media Create.
Published: Jan 28, 2015 1:02 PM UTC