Capcom recently announced Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi as the latest title their Japanese historic action series. The official website shows us its Tales of Zestiria collaboration, and some more new additions.
The above is a look at screenshots of Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi’s animation scenes, by Production I.G.
Next is a look at the three new generals that will be playable in the upcoming game.
Ashikaga Yoshiteru:
Ashikaga was previously an NPC, but he’s back with a special sceptor that can change its form between katana, spear, and bow. His playstyle will also revolve around some sort of roulette.
Sen no Rikyu:
Considering how Rikyu was a historical figure with the most profound influence on the Japanese “Way of Tea,” it’s pretty amusing to see that they’ve implemented that aspect in his fight as well.
If you’re wondering why there are two Rikyus on the top picture, he’ll have some sort of split-personality. He’ll also fight using his fans.
Kyugoku Maria:
Also an NPC in the previous game. She’ll use her long cloth in combat, and it looks like they’ll have quite the range, and some rather interesting abilities to go with them.
Next, is a look at the Battle Roulette system. Depending on what you get on a roulette in the battlefield, you’ll get a certain “Medal Soldier” appear. If you can destroy them before they escape, you can win yourself a bunch of medals.
You can then exchange these medals for all kinds of prizes, as seen in the above images.
Finally, here’s a look at some of the Tales of Zestiria costumes:
The website shows that this is just the first of six collaboration parts, so it seems like we’ll see more collaborations with other games in the near future.
Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi will release in Japan this summer for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
Published: Jan 22, 2015 4:50 AM UTC