After being shelved for a couple of years, Rodea: The Sky Soldier is back as a Nintendo 3DS and Wii U game. Prope, a video game studio led by Yuji Naka, originally developed the game for Wii, but even though the game was finished it was never released.
The new version of Rodea: The Sky Soldier looks more action packed compared to the original game. Flight scenes look faster and Rodea uses his spin attack more often. Rodea also carries a gun, which players could aim using the Wii remote in the original game. Kadokawa Games also got a new theme song, "Forever" from Chay.
Rodea: The Sky Soldier is slated for release in spring 2015. Here’s a look at the unreleased Wii version for comparison. This will be included as a bonus with first print copies of the Wii U version in Japan.
Here’s the original trailer:
Published: Nov 25, 2014 5:37 AM UTC