With Angry Birds, Batman, Evangelion, and Final Fantasy collaborations, Puzzle & Dragons is the undisputed king of crossovers. It’s no surprise that the Nintendo 3DS RPG, Puzzle & Dragons Z, has some crossover too, but we never expected a…
… 7-Eleven dungeon. Players that stop by 7-Eleven and connect to the 7Spot service can download a special dungeon with aisles of fast food and snacks. The 7-Eleven dungeon has two special 7-Eleven dragons too.
King Seven Dragon is the red dragon that apparently harness the power of meatbuns and fried squid. The green dragon with curry next to it is King Eleven Dragon. You can get King Seven Dragon from now until January 10. King Eleven Dragon will be available between January 10 and January 31.
Birthday Dragon and a Santa Claus monster are two of the other rare creatures hidden in the game.
Published: Jan 3, 2014 7:25 AM UTC