While we’ve all known for some time now that Cyberconnect’s iPhone/Android game Guilty Dragon was in some way connected to the .hack universe, this brand new artbook from them once again confirms absolutely and without a trace of a doubt that the game is sharing the .hack subtext and its storyline in some form.
We still wish we knew exactly what that link actually is but hey, it will keep us happy enough if we know .hack is still alive and well.
Available from all the usual suspect locales online, it joins the first art book—whose front cover of Kite really should have given the game away—and is filled with character illustrations, a special skit sketch and 4-koma comic strips in a beautiful B5-sized book of 109 pages. It costs 1,500 yen.
Siliconera spoke to Cyberconnect and they have confirmed the game will be released in America and Europe “later on”.
Published: Nov 8, 2013 9:05 PM UTC