During August’s Pokémon Game Show convention in Japan, The Pokémon Company ran a video that depicted the history of the Pokémon games to date. At the end of the reel, the teased the scene below:
At the time, speculation reasoned that the scene was from an unannounced Pokémon game for the Wii U. Speaking with the Nintendo Life site, Game Freak director Junichi Masuda briefly touched upon the video and what it supposedly is.
“Ooh, I wonder what it was… I’m not sure…” Masuda teased, upon being asked about the scene above. Upon being pressed further, Masuda elaborated, “That was actually a video which was shown at the Pokémon Games Show, an event in Tokyo last month and it was showing the history of Pokémon games as well as the future. It was kind of a concept about what the future of Pokemon may look like…”
While that makes it sound like the scene above isn’t necessarily representative of an actual game, there’s a very good chance that Masuda may not have been entirely forthcoming. Soon after the tease, Siliconera discovered two Pokémon-related trademarks—Pokkén Fighters and Pokkén Tournament.
Both of those trademarks sound like they’re for a fighting game, and if you look at the upper-right corner of the screenshot above, you’ll see the logo of the Fighting-type category of Pokémon. Additionally, while this may mean nothing at all, “Pokkén” sounds suspiciously like “Tekken,” leaving one with more questions.
Published: Sep 25, 2013 10:19 pm