The Anime Mirai project in Japan is an annual initiative to support budding animators. Under the initiative, four studios are selected to submit animated shorts every year, which are then aired in theatres around the country.
One of the shorts submitted to Anime Mirai 2013 was Little Witch Academia, a short by Studio Trigger. Little Witch Academia is a 26-minute short about a human girl inspired to be a “cool” witch.
While you can watch the short above with English subtitles (until the end of this month, only), Little Witch Academia is now also getting a collector’s edition in North America, courtesy of acttil, a localization studio started up by former NIS America employees.
The Collector’s Edition will come with a single Blu-ray disc that includes the 26-minute episode of Little Witch Academia, a never-before-seen 66-minute making-of video, an original soundtrack disc, and a collectible 112-page art book. The making-of video follows the struggles and breakthroughs of the animation team at Studio Trigger.
The Little Witch Academia collector’s edition is slated for release this Summer.
Published: Jun 22, 2013 02:00 pm