Fifty years after the world was decimated in the Great Destruction, humanity lives on. Metal Max 4: Moonlight Diva takes place on Concrete Island where a boy named Hinata lives with Gib and Sasha. The three lived peacefully until a mysterious person named Gomodo appeared on the island and kidnapped Gib. Then… Sasha transforms into a bicycle and the two of them escape. Gib is still captured and your goal is set off on an adventure and rescue him.
Metal Max 4: Moonlight Diva looks completely different from the other Metal Max games since it’s the first title in the core series to use 3D graphics. The game also has voice acting during event scenes with the main characters. On top of Hinata (whose name can be changed), there is Zukeeya (who is probably the Diva in the title), Sasha, and Nappo (a dog).
The battle system uses Metal Max 2: Reloaded (a DS remake of a Super Famicom game) as the base. Players will be able to use vehicles and fight on foot. Atsuji Yamamoto designed Wanted monsters for Metal Max 4. In previous Metal Max titles, these notorious monsters had bounties and were like side quests for players that wanted to hunt them.
Metal Max 4: Moonlight Diva is slated for release this fall on Nintendo 3DS.
Published: Jun 19, 2013 04:00 pm