Update: Nintendo of Europe have confirmed that Bravely Default will be available in Europe as well.
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is coming to North America, Nintendo announced this morning. The game will be available in 2014 and will be published by Nintendo. Siliconera reported that the game would be localized earlier this month.
Bravely Default is described by producer Tomoya Asano as a classic-style RPG. The game has a job system like Final Fantasy V and The 4 Heroes of Light. Jobs such as Monk, Black Mage, White Mage and Knight are confirmed to be in the game, and in a surprise twist, enemies in Bravely Default have jobs as well.
As you play through Bravely Default you collect more jobs along the way. The game’s main story follows four characters and sub-scenarios, which is where you can find additional jobs. Developer, Silicon Studio, also included multiple endings.
Published: Apr 17, 2013 12:33 PM UTC