Aksys Games have officially announced their limited edition of Muramasa Rebirth. Originally outed by Amazon, the limited edition costs $60 and comes with a Vita face cover, Vita skin art, a Vita pouch and a lithograph drawn by Vanillaware*. Take a look at the extra goodies below:
Additionally, pre-ordering Muramasa Rebirth from GameStop or Amazon will get you an abridged game soundtrack. It will include the following tracks:
Track 1:Turbulent State
Track 2:Powerful Look
Track 3:Gods of Heaven and Earth
Track 4:Inscrutable Stratagem
Track 5:Tacit Understanding
Muramasa Rebirth will be available in North America on June 25th.
*Correction: An earlier version of the article said George Kamitani would draw the artwork based on an announcement from Aksys. Aksys clarified that Vanillaware, the developer, not Kamitami will design the artwork.
Published: Apr 9, 2013 7:30 PM UTC