We’re not sure what the fate of Phantom Breaker is, but the Xbox Live Arcade beat ’em up will be released worldwide. Mages set February 7 as the release date for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds. Even though you don’t know about Yuzuha’s ninja training or Itsuki’s riches to rags backstory, you can probably appreciate the sprite artwork. Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds feels like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game.
While many Xbox Live Arcade titles are priced at 1,200 Microsoft points ($15), Sakari, the producer, decided to set Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground at 800 Microsoft points ($10). He hopes the lower price point will get more people to purchase the game and play it online. After the game comes out, Mages will release a 400 Microsoft point ($5) DLC pack that adds an extra playable character and increase all of the character’s max level to 99 instead of 50.
Published: Jan 30, 2013 11:22 pm