At the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom revealed a new feature for Remember Me—the Combo Lab, which is a visual representation of Nilin’s fighting memory that you can customize to your liking.
As you progress through the game, and Nilin regains parts of her memory, she begins to remember her cool fighting moves bit by bit. Her combos can be comprised of four different kinds of attacks—Regen, Power, Cooldown and Chain, each one consisting of several moves that deal different amounts of damage and have different effects.
For example, Regen attacks deal weak damage to enemies, but allows Nilin to regain health. Power attacks, on the other hand, dishe out more damage.
Nilin can have up to four active combos at once stored in her memory. Each combo can have up to eight hits, consisting of different kinds of Regen, Power, Cooldown and Chain attacks, all performed in different orders. You can watch a detailed demonstration of this system above that does a good job of explaining how it works.
Remember Me will be released in May 2013 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Published: Sep 22, 2012 04:30 pm