More news on Ace Attorney 5 comes from Famitsu, which announced Motohide Eshiro (DmC and Ace Attorney Investigations) as the producer and Takeshi Yamazaki as the scenario writer. Yamazaki worked on Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney as a planner.
Ace Attorney 5 is set one year after the events in Apollo Justice. Phoenix Wright who lost his lawyer qualifications eight years ago returns as the main character and wears a pendant with the number "4" on it. He has a new partner, a mysterious girl wearing yellow, who will be revealed at Tokyo Game Show. Players defend Shinobu, a frail girl who is accused of causing an explosion in a courtroom, in the game’s first case. Winston Payne’s younger brother is the prosecuting attorney.
Famitsu has three screenshots that give hints about the gameplay system. One shows a bunch of silhouettes behind a target character with the word "update" on the center of the screen. Another screenshot has "courtroom minutes" in the top left and "find out" in the top right. The third screenshot shows the evidence system, which has four emoticons in the corners. Ace Attorney 5 will have 3D graphics, so it might look like Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney (pictured).
The story size will be the same as previous Ace Attorney games and if you’re planning to attend TGS you can try a 15 minute demo of the game.
Published: Sep 4, 2012 10:10 PM UTC