Sentai Filmworks will be releasing Persona 4: The Animation, the anime series based on the original PlayStation 2 role-playing game, starting this September in North America. The Persona 4: Collection 1 set on DVD and Blu-ray will be released on September 18th and will contain the first 12 episodes of the series.
The running time for the release is listed as 300 minutes. Included in the release will be a director’s cut version of episode 1. The Blu-ray version will cost $60.
That’s a revised price. Originally, the Persona 4 Collection 1 Blu-ray was going to cost $70. Why the change? Because, Sentai say, the Japanese licensor of the series required that they remove the Japanese language track from the North American Blu-ray release. Sentai also say that the series is only licensed in the U.S. and Canada, and that exporting their release is prohibited.
Note that this change only applies to the Blu-ray version. The DVD release of Persona 4: Collection 1 will contain both Japanese and English language audio tracks, along with Japanese episode commentary.
Published: Jul 31, 2012 03:33 pm