At one point, Digital Manga published a manga by Osamu Tezuka, titled “Swallowing the Earth,” which is now out of print. Fan demand has led Digital Manga to consider reprinting the book, but they don’t have the financial resources to do so.
In order to gather the funds required for a reprint, they’ve opened up a Kickstarter project, where people can donate toward this cause. All of the licensing and production work is already complete, they say, and printing and delivery should only take one or two months.
They’re also using the Kickstarter drive as a test to gauge if it’s a viable way to publish other Japanese manga in the U.S., including premium editions of older books, as well as newer titles that otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance.
If you’re interested in contributing or Swallowing the Earth itself, you can find a preview of a few pages of the book here.
Published: Nov 19, 2011 01:30 pm