Chunsoft’s critically acclaimed visual novel Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors forced people into a numerology "game" where numbered bracelets opened doors. The sequel of sorts Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die has a game too, but the rules are different from the one in the Nintendo DS title.
Here’s how the Ambidex Game works. Each player has a bangle attached to them and BP (presumably bangle points) increase and decrease. Only when your BP reaches nine you can escape, but if it reaches zero or lower you die. Just like Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors players travel in groups, pairs to be specific, and the twist is you can betray each other. Before a game begins players enter their bangle in a computer and select either "cooperate" or "betray" without their partner knowing. If both players select cooperate they each get two BP. If they both select betray nothing happens to their BP. If one person picks betray and the other decides to cooperate, the betrayed player loses two BP and the traitor gets three BP.
A few more details about the captured characters are out, but there are some Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors spoilers below. Just a heads up for people who haven’t played the first game yet.
Dio is a self-righteous troublemaker. He has a rude way of talking and apparently a soft spot. Dio appears to have picked up a stray kitten on a rainy day.
Tenmyouji is a stubborn old man and the sole survivor of a murder. He used to work at a research facility that was building a probe to explore Mars where the incident took place. It appears there is a connection between the Ambidex Game and his past work.
K lost his memory and doesn’t know his real name or age. He’s always logical and has a robot-like personality.
Yotsuba has a wild personality and has been involved in a similar situation twice before. She also knows Alice from the Nevada desert.
Quark is a ten year old boy with an innocent nature who may be infected with a virus. Even though he is not related to Tenmyouji he sticks with him.
Luna is a twenty year old woman. She has a pacifist personality and holds a physicians license.
Alice has a body made of "ICE9"…
Zero the Third is the game master will penalize players who break the rules. This isn’t the "real" Zero though…
Published: Oct 27, 2011 10:28 PM UTC