As a throwback to past Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy XIII-2 will have a mini-game filled casino. Stop by Xanadu, that’s the name of the place according to Dengeki PlayStation, to play slots and race chocobos.
The magazine also outlined the Labyrinth of Time, a system which we saw with Square Enix back at E3. Final Fantasy XIII-2 has puzzles with tiles that vanish after you step on them. Players have to find a path to the goal without stepping on too many tiles. I played one of these puzzles back at E3 (before the system was named) and it was easy enough to solve by running in a loop. Some Labyrinth of Time mazes will be part of the game’s main scenario while other harder puzzles will be optional.
We also have a tidbit about Sazh. He’s confirmed to be in the game and working on improving Gran Pulse.
Published: Oct 25, 2011 2:30 AM UTC