Capcom shared over thirty minutes of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City footage where you pick one of six Umbrella Security Service operatives and… gun down Leon? That’s one of the choices players get to make in Slant Six’s game as you cover up Umbrella’s mess and shoot zombies. Here’s a run down of the six characters you can choose.
A Veteran of the Cold War, former spy, Vladimir ‘Spectre’ Bodrovski was from Umbrella’s European Wing for unknown reasons. The premier surveillance expert of the USS. He was transferred to Wolfpack when the upper echelon of Umbrella management realized his skills could greatly benefit them.
Vector’s file remains largely confidential. His true identity hidden, training at Rockfort Island he developed lethal martial art ability and elite skill for reconnaissance. As a covert operative, his achievements in the field are only matched by his former master, Hunk.
Michaela ‘Bertha’ Schneider finds pleasure in pain. A disciplined former soldier and devotee to medicine led her to join Umbrella shortly after an unsuccessful return to civilian life. She eagerly joined Wolfpack after they assured her anesthetic is a luxury and not a priority.
Four Eyes
Developing an unhealthy obsession with science at a young age. Christine ‘Four Eyes’ Yamata specializes in virology. She is so deeply focused on her work, that she has little interest in anything else, including the feelings or lives of other human beings. Studious and detailed, she always wants to know more about a given situation.
Hector ‘Beltway’ Hivers is an elite demolition expert that was discharged from the Army Corps of Engineers. Not much is known about the incident other than the addition of Beltway’s prosthetic leg. His dedication to his craft is beyond question, while his joy for blowing things up is always visible.
A former French special forces op, Karena ‘Lupo’ Lesproux specializes in weaponry. Lured by money, Lupo joined umbrella and leads Wolfpack. Her knowledge in the field makes her highly trusted by her team. She looks out for them, like a wolf looks out for her cubs, which made the team affectionately call her ‘wolf mother.’
Published: Aug 9, 2011 7:40 AM UTC