Capcom likes to keep character lists for their fighting games under wraps, so I knew producer Yoshinori Ono couldn’t reveal the entire cast during our interview. Instead I asked him to tell us two characters, one from Street Fighter and one from Tekken, that won’t be in Street Fighter x Tekken.
"On the Street Fighter side, I can tell you Dan will not be in the game," Ono said followed by a few chuckles. "You may remember he was killed by a Tekken character at Comic-Con last year, so he won’t be in Street Fighter x Tekken."
Ono continued, "As much as I personally wanted to have a cool Nina and Anna tag battle, the director was against putting Anna because we already had Nina in. Sorry to all of the Anna fans out there!"
Later, Ono mentioned Nina and Paul were his favorite characters from the Tekken side. He likes Paul because he is a thinking man’s character. Before I could ask Ono-san if Paul was in the game he beat me to the punch, "your next question might be hey you haven’t announced Paul yet? You’re right I haven’t…"
Published: Jul 27, 2011 6:36 PM UTC