Binary Domain, a team shooter from Sega’s Yakuza team, where you lead a squad raiding Japan for creating humanlike robots. That’s in violation of an international treaty established in the year 2080.
Before starting a mission you can select other players like Big Bo (a heavy gunner from America), Faye (a recon sniper from China), and Charlie (a demolitions expert from the UK). Hiroyuki Sakamoto, the producer of Binary Domain, stressed that the members of Dan’s team were from various nations.
Players cannot switch characters, you’re always in control of Dan. You give orders to the three other teammates by talking into a headset. "Charlie." "Regroup." A Sega staff member said while demonstrating the feature. Charlie acknowledged and ran to Dan’s aid in the heat of battle. All of the commands you say in Binary Domain are simple phrases like "cover me," "fire," and "charge." Of course, you have to specify who you’re talking to first. Characters will talk to you in the heat of battle too asking if you’ll flank left or right, for example, and you can respond by speaking too.
If a character can’t understand what you said, they’ll say something like, "Can you repeat that?" Otherwise, the computer controlled allies acknowledge the player before following through with your orders. Voice command is still being worked out for Binary Domain and had some issues during the demo. There is also an option to give orders via buttons too, if that’s your preference.
Sega is looking into utilizing Kinect’s built-in microphone for the Xbox 360 version. Right now, Binary Domain just supports headsets plugged into an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.
Published: Jun 9, 2011 6:00 PM UTC