Keeping with their promise, Falcom formally announced a sequel to The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki for PSP. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue picks up a few months after the events in Zero no Kiseki with Lloyd Bannings returning as the main character. Elie, Tio, Sergei, and Randy are confirmed to be in the game along with Noel Seeker, Wazy Hemisphere, Cao Lee, and Oliver. Shirley, a new character, was also seen in the magazine. She’s the girl with the red hair on the right.
Falcom touts Trails of Blue’s concept is this game will have the greatest climax in the history of The Legend of Heroes series. This next part may be a spoiler so highlight it at your own risk! The mystery of the Phantom Flame Project will be clear in Trails of Blue. Zero no Kiseki foreshadowed events for the sequel including Wazy’s secret, which is a keyword. The story of Crossbell City, the setting in Zero no Kiseki, is not complete.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue uses a revised version of the Orbment system introduced in Zero no Kiseki. New elements will be added including an option to skip attack animations. Players get a car from the Special Support Division in the game too, which can be customized. Compared to the previous game, Trails of Blue will have more content.
Falcom has The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue slated for release on September 29 in Japan. The PSP title will be available as standalone game or part of a limited edition package with a Nendoroid.
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki has not been announced for North America at this time, but Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo told Siliconera he would love to bring it over to the US.
Published: Mar 22, 2011 5:23 AM UTC