In 1997, Kalisto Entertainment released a game for the PlayStation, titled Nightmare Creatures. The game took place in 19th century London, and was a survival horror title that had you playing as a monk (Ignatius) or a female swordsman (Nadia) as they attempt to free the city from an outbreak of outlandish creatures set loose by a cult.
Depending on how old you were when you played it, Nightmare Creatures could be pretty terrifying. Kalisto later followed the game up with a sequel, Nightmare Creatures II, in 2000. Eventually, they also announced a Nightmare Creatures III, but this last game was ultimately cancelled before it saw release.
Nightmare Creatures III: Angel of Darkness was in development for the PlayStation 2, Gamecube and Xbox before Kalisto Entertainment went out of business. Set in 19th century Prague, the game originally centred around a heroine who could merge with her pet raven.
Once Kalisto closed down, Ubisoft, who were supposed to publish Nightmare Creatures III, took over the game’s development and initiated a complete redesign. Unfortunately, they eventually cancelled the title. Thanks to the portfolio of artist, Arthur Hugot, however, we now have an idea of what direction the game was headed in, under Ubisoft’s control.
While we can’t say for sure, this appears to be the game’s protagonist. Here’s a better look at him in a full-body shot. He looks a little reminiscent of Raziel from the Soul Reaver series:
Two more pieces of artwork include enemy designs. Here’s a look at those:
Published: Mar 11, 2011 08:26 am