Present SoulCalibur director, Daishi Odashima, is known for interacting with fans and voicing his musings on the series over Twitter from time to time. Once instance had him discussing guest characters in the next game, while another saw him offering some interesting insights into SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny on the PSP.
This past week, Odashima took to tweeting once again. While there was no particular topic of focus this time around, he made some interesting comments all the same. On Friday night (Japan time), Odashima left work at 3 AM, which almost certainly means he’s in the thick of a crucial phase of development.
“I think the title “Soul Edge” suits the game more than “Soulcalibur”. Other than SC1, the story always revolves around Soul Edge,” he tweeted, after he’d awoken the next day. “Plus everyone seems to like Soul Edge better than Soul Calibur. It’s something I was thinking from a while back,” he continued, referring to the two weapons central to the series.
Odashima, too, prefers the Soul Edge, incidentally. “It looks stronger and the design’s cooler. Especially the eye,” he tweeted to one fan who agreed with his thoughts.
“I didn’t think SoulCalibur would become a numbering sequel. Thought it would change from Soul Edge > SoulCalibur > Soulxxx etc.,” he revealed to another. “Soul Edge (Soul Blade) was about Soul Edge. SC1 was about Soul Calibur. SC2 was about Evil Calibur. The rest is all about Soul Edge,” he told a third Twitter follower.
Finally, a fan asked Odashima if he’d considered retconning the SoulCalibur franchise. To this Odashima replied: “No no. ‘Learn from the past and create something new.’ No deep meaning :)”
Published: Feb 12, 2011 10:31 am